Magic Mouse Gestures

These are the default settings that we recommend. However, you can customize actions associated with each gesture in the preference panel. You may need a little practice to find the correct way to perform the gestures. Some gestures may seem hard at first but we're sure that you can incorporate them into your habit within a few hours.

Next / Previous tab

Place your middle finger on the mouse. To go to the next tab, tap the mouse with your index finger near the middle finger. To go to the previous tab, tap with your index finger further apart from the middle finger.

Open Link in a New Tab

Put your middle finger on the magic mouse, then bend your index finger just a little so that when you click, your index finger is a few millimeters lower than your middle finger and is approximately at the center of the mouse.

Quick Tab Switching (Safari Only)

Place your thumb on the mouse, then move the mouse cursor under the tab you want to switch to.

Select Tab Above Cursor (Safari Only)

Place your index finger on the mouse, then tap the mouse with your middle finger

Close / Close Tab

Place your middle finger on the mouse then slide your index finger to the left.


Place your middle finger on the mouse then slide your index finger to the right.


Place your index finger on the mouse then slide your middle finger to the left.

Zoom (maximize)

Place your index finger on the mouse then slide your middle finger to the right.

Move / Resize

To turn on Move mode, move the mouse cursor to the window you wish to move, then place your index finger and middle finger on the left and right corners of the mouse and move the mouse.

To switch to Resize mode, raise either the index or middle finger.

To stop, release the two fingers.

Show Desktop

Place your index, middle, and ring fingers on the mouse and swipe up.


Place your index, middle, and ring fingers on the mouse and swipe down.

Move to a Neighboring Space

Place your middle and ring fingers on the mouse then slide your index finger in the direction you want to move to and stop completely before you release the finger.

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MacBook, Magic Mouse, and Magic Trackpad are trademarks of Apple Inc.